How to Walk on Your Hands | Progression 1 | The "Wall Walk"
(7 total videos coming)
The first step is getting comfortable getting upside down! The first progression to getting great at walking on your hands is the Wall Walk.
1. The Wall Walk provides you with a safe and easy way to work your way upside down. You can work your way up slowly, over time, as you get more and more comfortable.
2. The Wall Walk provides an opportunity to already start placing taking steps forwards and backwards with your hands/shoulders.
3. The Wall Walk teaches you to keep your core tight and engaged the entire time.
Watch the full video to get 3 different Wall Walking workouts (depending on your experience level) to add to your weekly regimen.
Let me know how the wall walks go!!
Get Bolder, Not Older
Face it. We all get older. No one has control over the passage time. What you can control is how well you utilize that time.
If you choose to be sedentary, you will sacrifice functionality, vitality and quality of life. A good friend once stated that his greatest fear was living a long life without the basic functionality to enjoy it… requiring the support of others to perform basic daily tasks.
It is a choice, not a goal, to embrace a well-lived active life.
I help people feel STRONG, LEAN, and have ENERGY to spare!
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